Autumn Bouquet


The Designer Bouquet of Warblers Autumn Color Art Imperial Flower Modeling Floral Set Decorative Ornaments offers a stunning and artistic decorative element for your home or special events. This bouquet features a combination of warblers, autumn-colored flowers, and imperial flower models, meticulously arranged to create a visually striking floral set. Perfect for adding elegance and charm to your living space, office, or event decor, these decorative ornaments bring a touch of nature-inspired beauty indoors.

Type: Decorative Ornaments
Design: Bouquet of Warblers, Autumn Color Art Imperial Flower Modeling Floral Set
Usage: Home Decor, Event Decor

Height: Varies based on arrangement, typically ranging from 30-40 cm (11.8-15.7 inches)
Width: Varies based on arrangement, typically ranging from 20-30 cm (7.9-11.8 inches)

Estimated weight: Approximately 300-500 grams (0.66-1.1 pounds), depending on size and design

Flowers: Synthetic materials designed to mimic the appearance of warblers, autumn-colored flowers, and imperial flower models
Stem: Wire or plastic stems for stability and arrangement

Color : HH18171X

Artistic Design: The bouquet of warblers, autumn-colored flowers, and imperial flower models create an artistic and visually striking decorative piece.
Nature-Inspired Beauty: Bring the beauty of nature indoors with these meticulously crafted floral ornaments.
Versatile Use: Suitable for various settings, including living rooms, dining rooms, offices, or event venues.
Ready to Display: Arrives ready to display, simply place in your desired location for instant decoration.

No assembly required. Simply arrange the decorative ornaments to your liking and display them in your chosen space.

What’s Included:
1 x Designer Bouquet of Warblers Autumn Color Art Imperial Flower Modeling Floral Set Decorative Ornaments

Compatible with various decor styles, including traditional, contemporary, or eclectic.
Can be combined with other decorative elements such as vases, candles, or artwork to create a cohesive and visually appealing display.
